Domain names

Will my domain name, website or E-mail be affected by a move to you? 

No settings or services will be affected during a registrar transfer. Only the administration of the domain will be transferred. You should however make sure that your current registrar or hosting provider will not terminate any services before transferring the domain. Once the transfer has been completed, you can change any settings for the domain through the client area. 

How do I get my authorization code? 

To generate the authorization code (also called auth-code or EPP code), log in to your account and click on "Domains". Click on the domain name, then select "Generate Auth-Code", just above the Registrant information, enter the password for the user account and retrieve the code. If the "Generate Auth-Code"-button is not there or if you're having trouble trying to get the code, please contact us through a support ticket. To create one, head over to the "Support"-tab, and then select "Create ticket". 

How much does a domain cost? 

Prices for the different top-level domains vary. You can find the complet price list in the "Economy"-tab under "Price list". 

How do I register a domain? 

To register a domain, search for the desired domain name in the search bar at the top of the page. Make sure you do not include www. If the domain is available press "Add to cart" and go to the shopping cart. Follow the instructions to create the order. Please keep in mind that terms and service agreements may differ depending on the top-level domain. You can find more information about the different top-level domains under "TLD Wiki" in the "Support"-tab 

How do I hide my whois details? 

The information shown in Whois is controlled independently by each registry. For that reason we have no way to affect what information is shown and what is hidden. 

What is auto renew? 

You have the option to activate a function called Auto Renew. About 30 days (may vary depending on the TLD) before you need to renew your domain, the system automatically creates a renewal order and sends the invoice to your email. When the invoice is paid, the domain will be renewed. If the domain is not renewed, it will expire. To enable this feature go to "Domains" and activate the feature using the "Auto-renew" toggle. 

How do I cancel an order? 

As long as the order is not paid and is not currently being processed, you can of course cancel it. To do this go to "Requests", find the relevant request and click on the button with three dots, in there select "Cancel". This will cancel the order as well as the invoice in question. If an invoice contains multiple items, it will only remove the item that has been canceled. 

Some orders can be canceled even if it has been paid, in those cases the transaction for the order will be refunded to your account in the form of Credits that can be used for future payments with us. 

How do I transfer a domain to my account? 

To transfer a domain to your account, you need to log in to the client area and search for the domain in the search bar at the top of the page, select "Transfer", go to the shopping cart and enter the auth-code for the domain, lastly follow the instructions to create an order. 

Please note that some top level domains do not use auth-code, and also that the time it takes to transfer a domain may vary. Please contact our support or consult the "TLD Wiki" in the "Support" tab if you have any further questions. 

What is local presence? 

Many top level domains require that the individual owning the domain lives in the country, or has some other connection to the country. It is not always an easy task for small company to solve this, and for that reason we offer local presence. 

Prices for local presence may vary depending on the top-level domain. Feel free to check your price list in the "Economy"-tab for further details. The prices that you see in the price list is per domain and is charged annually. The fee for the domain itself is not included in the price for local presence

What do I do if my domain has expired? 

If your domain has expired you need to create a renewal order as soon as possible. Expired domains can be found under "Domains", then "Expired". In some cases a restore of the domain is required, and those domains can also be found in "Expired". Select "Restore", go to the cart and follow the instructions to create an order. A restore can never be guaranteed to succeed. In the case a restore will fail, a refund for the cost of the restore will be made to your user account. 

How do I change the owner of a domain? 

The owner, also called registrant, can be changed through the "Domains"-tab. Mark the domain in the checkbox on the left and press "Order registrant change" Choose an existing contact or create a new one. Once that is done, follow the instructions in the shopping cart to create an order. A support ticket will be sent to the account in case we need any further information, documents or ID. Support tickets can be found in the "Support"-tab.  

I have a complaint regarding a domain. Who do I contact? 

If you have a complaint regarding a domain where we are the current registrar, send an email to You will only get a reply when we have started the case. The case will be handled internally, but in general, we will only contact the owner. 

How do I renew my domain? 

Start by going to "Domains". Next to the domain's expiration date you will find a plus-symbol click on it and select the ammount of years to renew the domain with. In some cases you can only renew the domain by a year, depending on rules of the registry. Once you have chosen the amount of years, open the shopping cart in the top right corner of the page. Follow the instructions to create an order. When the payment has been registered in our system, the renewal will be processed. 

The button Generate authorization code does not appear, how do I retrieve the code? 

For some top level domains, the button "Generate Auth-Code" does not appear. The reason for this may be that the top level domain either does not use an auth-code or we may need to retrieve it manually for you. We recommend that you contact your new provider and ask what information they need in order to transfer the domain. Then, get back to us in a support ticket that can be created in the "Support"-tab and we will provide you with the required information. 

Do you offer SSL certificates? 

Yes, we do offer SSL certificates. You can find more information about the different certificates and place an order through the "Add order" page in the top right corner. 

How do I transfer a domain between accounts? 

Domains can be transferred to another account by retrieving the auth-code for each of the domains that needs to be transferred. To generate the auth-code, log in to your account and click on "Domains". Click on the domain name, then select "Generate Auth-Code". If you can't find the "Generate Auth-Code"-button or if the generated auth-code does not work, please contact our support by creating a support ticket in the "Support"-tab.

To transfer in the domain name, you need to log in to the account to which the domain will be transferred and search for the domain in the search bar at the top of the page, select "Transfer", go to the shopping cart and enter the auth-code for the domain, lastly follow the instructions to create an order.